Friday, May 29, 2009

Tighter crop, 'nother boy!

This is for Lee.. I know this pics were a little awkward. Backyard, kids going back and forth from watermelon to sand box. This one with the awesome bokeh unfortch wasn't a great pic.. but he sure was having fun climbing on top of the monkey bars! The little one is Claire's BFF from Cubbies. He's the sweetest thing in the world! By the way, secret?? HAHAHAHA.


  1. I like the tighter crop, though I agree maybe it wasn't the greatest pic despite the cool bokeh! The one of Claire's BFF is precious and wonderful. Seriously, Fle. You are ready for the next step. And YES, secret!!! Please do tell. I'm starting to wonder if I need to clean my lens or something. I just can't get them crisp like that. Were these taken at your house? And finally, please cc mine, too. I know the current ones are kind of snap-shottish but I'd like your comments anyway. XO

  2. These weren't taken at my house.. they were at that BBQ and all the kids were messy and I was just snappin' pics and walking around with my pez dispenser for bribery! Um, okay, the secret is sharpening? Sometimes I sharpen for web, but I always adjust the opacity way down because it gives it fakey look (especially on hair, see Claire down below!). The other trick is.. HIGH SHUTTER SPEED. For the quick ones it's simply a must. You don't even know how I'm dying to get my anniversary gift... which.. is.. something.. we've... both.. wanted.. for a while :)
