Friday, May 29, 2009


Yes, it's urban processing. I think it goes with her smile and eyes.. what do you think?

For Lee, to compare. See the ug fence? This was under that big tree.. so the light wasn't great and the fence was SO close I had to really open up my ap (although in hindsight, I shoulda upped my ISO.. it was at 100!!! Shoulda been 400 I think!) And of course, BLOGGER is making this phot look.. dull. It just takes away some of the contrast.. but this pic is naturally very "soft feeling".. there's some sort of processing that I know would look good, just don't know what it is!

PS. All I did for this pic was use the exposure brush for her eyes a tiny bit (since there were harsh shadows) and run a minimal USM.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfectly, precious little model! You are inspiring me to search out some new models, that is for sure. I'm not a huge fan of urban processing on kids unless it's really subtle (their skin is just so soft and pink and innocent), but I do like this. It's a stunning picture, Fle. Her eyes are gorgeous and her little mouth is so sweet. I bet her mama would like this one on canvas! :o) I'd love to see the original, too. Just to compare. Great work!
