Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Little fingers in little places... making trouble!

Oh boy... no wonder it was so quiet downstairs!

First step is to remove all plastic key pieces. Detach off of keyboard at red arrow.

Gently detach at snap points.

Snap plastic pieces together at middle. Pay attention to orientation.

Here is what your finished piece should look like.

Slide plastic pieces onto keyboard, making sure metal clasp is on top of lower plastic piece (green arrow). Top piece should still be detached (red arrow).

Next attach upper piece with a small object like safety pin or toothpick. First one side then the other.

Now, using the pin, slide under top piece in order to attach key.

Attach key at top by snapping into place.

Press down gently on key until bottom snaps into place.

Ah, better.

Repeat (if you have a toddler). If not, then you're done!

Now be smart, be good to your Macbook, use an iSkin!

1 comment:

  1. I was shocked to find out it was the Go who did this! Li'l stinker!
