Friday, May 29, 2009


Yes, it's urban processing. I think it goes with her smile and eyes.. what do you think?

For Lee, to compare. See the ug fence? This was under that big tree.. so the light wasn't great and the fence was SO close I had to really open up my ap (although in hindsight, I shoulda upped my ISO.. it was at 100!!! Shoulda been 400 I think!) And of course, BLOGGER is making this phot look.. dull. It just takes away some of the contrast.. but this pic is naturally very "soft feeling".. there's some sort of processing that I know would look good, just don't know what it is!

PS. All I did for this pic was use the exposure brush for her eyes a tiny bit (since there were harsh shadows) and run a minimal USM.

Tighter crop, 'nother boy!

This is for Lee.. I know this pics were a little awkward. Backyard, kids going back and forth from watermelon to sand box. This one with the awesome bokeh unfortch wasn't a great pic.. but he sure was having fun climbing on top of the monkey bars! The little one is Claire's BFF from Cubbies. He's the sweetest thing in the world! By the way, secret?? HAHAHAHA.

Brother and Sister (times two!)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Very Serious...

Well we were in a parade for Memorial Day, after all. I only got to snap 1 minute of pics of this little girl, but she's an absolute doll! I hope to have some more time with her SOON :)

Honoring our fallen heroes...

Hey Cutie!

I miss this little girl... who reminds me so much of my li'l precious Claire (bwwahaha!) Pay no attention to the fact that is was noon exactly :)

Same pic, tighter crop, B&W :)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another old one...

Today we went out to run some errands and Claire wore her tutu I had made AGES ago. Ages ago in her time anyways :) I know sometimes these kinds of pics seem cliche, but I certainly never tire of 'em!

P.S. How precious is that frown???

Friday, May 1, 2009

Sidewalk Chalk

Wishing blogger showed color...

I love these pictures of my little girl.. but sometimes I get SO frustrated with the color blogger shows. Flat flat flat, and did not do justice to these phots. So, had to restort to black and white. I think shooting at noon may have been one of the problems!